Random thoughts Stray memories

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Yesterday, I was fretting over not reading enough. You looked amused and said something like: "You do know you can't finish reading all your books?"

Well, actually I didn't. Right until you've said that, I thought that somehow someday I'd engulf all those words in all those books and take them with me when I die. I even had weird fantasies of reading 2 books simultaneously, one out of the corner of each eye.

And now I realise of course you're right, and it's already too late even if I should stop buying any more books. My life already isn't room enough to encompass all my books.

Oh my friends, I am so sorry.


  • I hope you reincarnate into a silverfish or something similar... ;p

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:26 AM  

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