Random thoughts Stray memories

Monday, January 27, 2003

On data conversion. What I'm supposed to do at work is check data formatting eg. length of fields, to make sure data can be read properly for upload by programs into the system. My users on the other hand, need to guarantee the integrity of the data. However, I've found it necessary to check their data as well, even though the natural assumption is that the data is accurate, since the users are the ones who use it most often and know it best. In reality, the people who own the data are the most careless with it. They let slip little inconsistencies in naming conventions and standardizations, and leave other fields empty cos they understand the data anyway, or can recall data even though it hasn't been recorded.

What they keep forgetting is we're trying to put the data in the system so other people can retrieve and analyse the data too. They keep forgetting why we're having the new system.


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