Random thoughts Stray memories

Wednesday, September 05, 2001

An old fren 3TapRiff just bought me lunch. (Actually, it's interesting what sort of nicknames people will like to be known as if you ask them. One of these days I'll like to write more about it. I figured from his demostrations that 3TapRiff is a certain tap-dancing step. It is done by brushing the toe of one foot against the ground, followed by dropping the heel of the same foot, and then the heel of the other foot. Why 3TapRiff? Cos he's the kinda guy who stands in the corner and does a 3TapRiff. So, there you have it).

He just read the last few weeks of my blog in one go and suggested another method to memorise the sequence of the planets which he read somewhere. It's the phrase Space-Men Vote Earth Most Jolly of Solar Universe's Nine Planets to represent Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. I take it that I won't be forgetting this sequence for quite a while. lol.

Unfortunately both of us didn't have ciggie lighters on us, so he couldn't demonstrate his single-handed flick-and-light Zippo trick. He mentioned that I could search the internet for Zippo tricks to check it out. We also bantered about his coming wedding and issues you never thought getting married will bring up, well, like chandaliers. He said he had to protest against having chandaliers in his new place unless of cos, it's big enough for him to swing from like the Phantom of the Opera.

Thanks for calling me up and being a friend still. :)


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