Random thoughts Stray memories

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We bought 3 bottle gardens to celebrate Valentine's this year, and believe it or not, they came named: Alexandra, Lucia and Victor (actually we opted for Elizabeth but she was out of stock, so we got Victor instead). The plant folks told us the plants were Fittonia from Holland, unlike the usual nursery species.

To picture them:
Alexandra is the little one.
Lucia is the jolly fat one.
And Victor is the tall spineless one.

Every night when I get home, I find the plants have leaned in the direction of the sun and plastered themselves against that side of their enclosure. Then I'll have to patiently turn all of them in the opposite direction, knowing full well I'll have to repeat this the next night. Though they require more attention than the current plant we own, I feel amused by their persistence.

They make me smile.


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