Random thoughts Stray memories

Friday, November 25, 2005

Recently I've developed the habit of multi-tasking while watching TV. Yup, you've heard right. I didn't watch TV back home but now I've started. I'm following all sorts of TV serials like "Point Pleasant", "OC" and "Medium", as well as reality shows like "The Apprentice" and "Project Runway". What I do is curl up with a magazine or my Sudoku puzzle book in front of the TV and split my attention 50-50 between the TV and whatever else I'm doing.

I think I may have inherited this bad habit from mum, who's a even more hardcore multi-tasker. My mum may be the only person I know who can watch TV and listen to the radio at the same time.


  • Hey elf,

    If you are back for Xmas, let me know. I got an interesting Xmas pressie for ye!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:16 PM  

  • Just got your email...I'm free on sunday or next week~

    By Blogger Titania, at 3:36 PM  

  • HP: but i'm not home for xmas or NY...

    Titania: i sms'd u :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:06 PM  

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