Random thoughts Stray memories

Monday, November 21, 2005

From what I can see, I'm possibly the only straight person at the screenings I've caught from the Gay and Lesbian Film & Video Festival over the weekend. Director Bruce LaBruce did a Q&A after the screening of his "Raspberry Reich" (which revolves round gay porn and fascism). The most memorable line was "The revolution is my boyfriend!", and this film was incidentally banned from this year's Singapore International Film Festival. I can tell why. Even the DVD release of this in Britain warranted 17 cuts. Though I'm not a big fan, I'm gratified to know that Hong Kong passed this film uncut.

My iPod is kaputt. It's stuck playing one song on auto-repeat, so I've got to find the Hong Kong Apple Service Centre or resign myself to listening to the Wrens' "Everyone Chooses Sides" every single day.

Went to an outdoor bookfair at Victoria Park and walked away with 3 Chinese books, one of which is a photo collection of Wim Wenders (unfortunately translated into Mandarin). Selection there is small but I feel inclined to go again, just cos it's so near my place.

Lots of nice meals with my US travelmate and her parents. We even had dim sum at a restaurant which she found out later was the location of 2 underworld assassinations. lol.

Weekend is over too soon again.


  • remember when I went to an Australian G&L FF ... most of the women were quite militant looking - the Biker gang type. Wonder how's the HK crowd like?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:54 AM  

  • Buy a new black V-Ipod! I can help you get a small discount 7%.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:26 AM  

  • Eh. The gays looked metrosexual and the lesbians didn't look butch.. they looked like girls who liked to cling to one another.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:27 AM  

  • where is this dimsum restaurant?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:35 PM  

  • HP: thanks but dun think I'm getting another iPod soon.

    Dim sum restaurant is called Luk Yu, located at Central near Lam Kwai Fong.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:43 PM  

  • Your iPod has taken after its owner... same song, over and over and over again! ;p

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:57 PM  

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