Random thoughts Stray memories

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Somewhere along the way I've lost my voice. Or rather, I've lost the inclination to speak. In company, odd memories will be zapping through my brain at warp speed but nothing trips off my tongue. Yet when I'm alone, all the words will come rushing back. Like how I remembered jotting down song titles sorted alphabetically in scrap books when I was a child, and how different songs with the same titles would throw me out of whack. And how I thought that though my #1 dream job was to be a librarian, I wouldn't mind directing music videos either.

I envy the ease with which Ethan Hawke and Julie Delphy's characters conversed in Before Sunset. That was a good line wasn't it, when she said, "Memories is a good thing if you don't have to deal with the past"? The screenplay for that movie was written by both actors and the director. Perhaps they sat around, drank lots and talked on and on. Or perhaps they listened to music lazily and read books, and looked up occasionally to comment on a lovely line. I want to do what they did.


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