Random thoughts Stray memories

Saturday, March 10, 2007

We still remember what we ate the night we got attached. I had a huge bowl of salad (why?), you ordered falafel (those were the days before we changed each other's diets), and we were eating with my friends whom you were meeting for the first time. At that point in time, we had no idea we would define our relationship that night. In fact, we hadn't even held hands yet (later you would exclaim I was slow).

Tonight, exactly one year later, we're going to go back to eat at the same place. This time, I'm going to order a pint and a huge whopping burger (which you will of course share because we share everything we eat, even at chi chi places where they frown at people swapping huge plates with tiny morsels). And this time, I'm going to hold your hand.

Thank you for everything.


  • Hold the sugar, eveything's getting too sweet!;p

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:51 AM  

  • made me smile. :) verr nice!
    - biscotti

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:52 PM  

  • =) - D W

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:23 AM  

  • Happy Anniversary!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:16 AM  

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