Random thoughts Stray memories

Friday, December 17, 2004

Dear friend, I haven't seen you in a while. Tonight our ripples intersected and you passed me some DVDs and CDs you've copied for me. We didn't speak much, but I saw her with you and was glad.

Later I found a song on one of the discs. It was the last song on your compilation: an instrumental piece by Mystic Chords of Memory called "Pi and a Bee". On it, a scratchy piano tune loops through harp strings and violins. It was a joke we shared. You were the social butterfly who knew everyone; and I was the busy bee, the bumble bee. I could tell you saw the title and knew immediately this was my song. Until I heard it, I didn't know how much I needed this song today of all days, but there it was. It arrived in the nick of time.

Thank you.


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