Random thoughts Stray memories

Sunday, October 03, 2004

This is how I watch DVDs. I watch them off my laptop with earphones plugged in, though I've external speakers I can hook up. I leave the subtitles on even if the film is in English, just so I won't miss any great lines. Sometimes I'll disrupt the film and fast forward right till the very end to know what happens, before I resume watching from where I've left off. Maybe I'll fish amongst my earrings lying on the table and absentmindedly put them on, just cos it feels weird to do so while I'm wearing earphones. Mostly I sit with one leg tucked under the other. I don't snack. I wear a watch to time the film. If I'm lucky and there is an excellent soundtrack, I'll watch the entire credits roll and wait for the track listing.

I seldom watch the same film again.


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