Random thoughts Stray memories

Saturday, April 10, 2004

I've slept less than 6 hours for the second night in a row, and I've wanted to run since just after 1am this morning. But my gym wasn't open then and unlike lainey, I don't think I could have summoned anyone to come out and keep me safe while I ran outdoors. lol. Come to think of it, I've never had those running shoes with pin-prick alert lights before either.

Still I need to maximise usage of time. What if we have audio blogs? Everyone could narrate their own blog entries, and I could listen while sleeping. I could imagine da mouse swearing already, his wtf tone would be hilarious! But then again, too scary by far. :)

There's an issue of Word magazine out which lists the 110 songs you have to hear. Why 110 instead of 100, what are these songs, why is there no list on the internet, and most importantly, how many of those have I heard already? I suspect I won't fare well in this poll, what with my perversion for unloveable beeps and whirls. I'm going to hunt down and buy this issue, and I hope the songs are diversified across genres.

It's time to go running. The best part of today has just arrived.


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