Random thoughts Stray memories

Wednesday, January 23, 2002

Spontaniety led me to the jamiroquai concert. It's odd cos I didn't expect to attend at all. I had a dinner appointment which got postponed to Wednesday night, so I tried to ask my best friend to swap our dinner appointment to Tuesday night. He wasn't up to it so suddenly I had a free time slot at 5.30pm. Don't feel like another late night at work so I decided to make the night worth it... I impulsively joined a music buddy at the jamiroquai concert. Even though I only know one of their songs called Virtual Insanity. Which they never played. It didn't matter really. :) I had fun. Beer before concerts is something new to me but I think it's not a bad idea really. Will try that next time. I didn't sit at where I'm supposed to, in fact I never even touched the seat. We ended up standing at sections nearer the stage though we didn't hit the standing-room section. I suspect my music buddy would have made it there without me, but he didn't want to leave me behind. Thanks. I met more strangers than I ever did at any concert. My music buddy was so friendly he chatted with people sitting/ standing near us, the merchandise sellers... it was so amazing. And I thought I was a people person. lol. I bought the latest jamiroquai album after the concert and am listening to it now as I'm blogging.

It's time to sleep now or I'll never make it at work. Just wanted to say how you can get the most enjoyment out of every moment if you follow your impulse and do something unexpected.


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