Random thoughts Stray memories

Monday, November 06, 2006

I couldn't run this evening due to rain, so I made a trip to the library instead. At first, I walked down the aisles and started picking out sad books. I could tell they're sad because the opening lines were filled with regret (and also because I cheated and read the endings). I couldn't deny they were beautifully written, but really I'm in a give-me-funny-if-it-can't-be-happy mood.

So I ended up with:
Marina Lewycka's "A short History of Tractors in Ukrainian" (probably the only book I'll ever read with the word "tractor" in its title)

Carrie Fisher's "The Best Awful" (yes, Princess Leia can write)

Julian Gough's "Juno & Juliet" (because I fell in love with the book cover: the pale legs of 2 girls in their red swimsuits in a swimming pool)

Kim Wong Keltner's "Buddha Baby" (because the protagonist is a Chinese banana)

Sometimes you read not to write. You read to have fun.


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