Random thoughts Stray memories

Thursday, December 08, 2005

On the plane back to Singapore over turbulent airspace, I was listening to my iPod on shuffle mode. I couldn't sleep cos at the start of every song, I needed to read the track listing to find out what it was. It didn't help that I love to pick one song and listen to it on auto-repeat ad nauseum, so many songs weren't familiar to me. When my iPod played track 165 (Caribou's "Pelican Narrows"), I realised with a start that I didn't remember this song, wasn't the twee piano and drum&bass beautiful, and it felt like I planted an Easter egg present for myself. And predictably, I broke out of shuffle mode to play this song on auto-repeat.

Wim Wenders said something once along the lines of:
Without music, there'll be no dreams.
Without dreams, there'll be no courage.
Without courage, there'll be no action.

I shall have music.


  • eh i'm in hk until next monday...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:36 AM  

  • but i'm in singapore until next monday...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:08 AM  

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