Random thoughts Stray memories

Saturday, May 01, 2004

A question I get all the time is, "What is the difference between doing a music video and a film?". I don't know what to say, except to ask, "Can't you see for yourself?"
- Michel Gondry

This is also a point brought up by Tsai Ming-Liang during the director's Q&A after the screening of his film. He mentioned that he was asked about a particular scene in the film where the actor was getting his fortune slip from one of those fortune telling machines, but it wasn't disclosed what the fortune slip read. Tsai replied that if he had intended for this to be known, he would have done a closeup shot of the fortune slip. He felt the audience was getting too reliant on being spoonfed and getting ready answers. People have lost the ability to interpret a film for what it really means to themselves.


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