Random thoughts Stray memories

Thursday, April 22, 2004

In An Invisible Sign of my Own, the first time he and she had a private encounter was when she spotted him in the playground one night. He had a bubble wand made of string in his right hand and a cigarette in his left. He dipped the wand into a bucket of soapy water, lifted it up and pulled back on the string to form a bubble. Then, he sucked on the cigarette and blew smoke inside the bubble, and tried to seal it up. He failed repeatedly. She asked if she could try and he let her, and in her first attempt she knew she could make it: that perfect pearl of smoke-filled bubble. But somehow she felt him waiting for her to do just that, so she wrecked the bubble. He asked if she deliberately broke the bubble and it was then she left.

I know why she did what she did. I would have done exactly the same.


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