Random thoughts Stray memories

Sunday, February 22, 2004

A word is not the same with one writer as with another. One tears it from his guts. The other pulls it out of his overcoat pocket.
- Charles Peguy

Well, my words are taking a backseat at the moment. Now I'm busier at work than I've ever been for a long while. In fact, I just got home from my office. Yes, on a Sunday. And starting March, I'm running another new project on top of my current one. Coupled with my gym and film activities, I don't have much time left to spare. Woohoo.

What else is new?
Somehow I've accumulated 6 bottles of nail polish but have no time to paint my nails.
Lifting free weights has strangely become a means to destress for me, right up there with plucking eyebrows and playing pool. I want my arms to be strong enough to haul myself up on the monkey bars, but I think that's going to take a long while yet.
I'm sad that the Leni Riefenstahl retrospective held here in early March will not include Olympia.
I'm still a time-warp girl. I don't seem to move on to other stages in life like my peers do.
I will not propose to William Hung, even though he made me laugh.


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