Random thoughts Stray memories

Saturday, August 30, 2003

Today has been a trying day.

[Baking analogy mode on]
First, I had an important meeting and I went to the wrong location cos no one bothered to tell me properly. I ended up 10 minutes late.

Then, a 3 hour meeting blew into 4.5 hours on a Friday night. The meeting was held by the oven folks for the customers who haven't decided on what cake they want to eat. In fact, they haven't even decided if it's cake they want, so the oven folks were in overdrive to convince the customers that they want cake only from their oven. Me? I'm the baker sitting in observing customers getting antsy and sms'ing one another across the conference room table, while the oven folks started losing their temper as the customers lost their attention span.
[Baking analogy mode off]

As I dashed out of the meeting, I had to return calls left and right, and realised I'd probably have to work this weekend too. Then when I finally made it to the Observatory gig at 8pm, there was no time for dinner and da mouse and I went hungry till the gig ended at 10pm (sorry sorry sorry!). Leslie sang a few old songs I love (I never thought I'd hear him sing Circling Square live again), but he also sang some new songs I didn't care too much for. Of the new songs, the one I liked best was called Ask, and I remember your favourite Smiths song was also called that.

Then I came home after the gig and got stood up by you, and that pretty much completed my fucked up day.

I'm going to bathe and go sleep now, cos I'm too upset to blog anymore.
I'm just too tired to care.


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