Random thoughts Stray memories

Monday, August 19, 2002

There's this bit in Brett Easton Ellis' book The Informers where a character is sort of a cool weirdo hanging out with his like-minded friends. Well, not really, but to say too much will give the story away. Anyway, suffice it to say that these guys ask one another insider jokes on Ethiopians and laugh uproariously over stupid answers. And when this guy tries out the Ethiopian jokes on girls he's picked up, he's always disappointed by insipid replies like "What's an Ethiopian?". So one day he picks up this girl and they're cruising along in his car, and he asks her without much expectations, "How many Ethiopians can fit in a car?". And she replies nonchalantly, "All of them". Just like that. He's stunned and stops the car, repeats the question and makes her answer again. Just to make sure. And she says it again exactly like his friends. Though the situation deteriorates rapidly for them afterwards, this isn't the point I'm trying to make.

What I'm trying to say is, I understand what it's like to hold out for an Ethiopian joke moment.


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