Random thoughts Stray memories

Wednesday, August 14, 2002

I fell asleep so instantaneously last night that when I woke this morning, I wasn't sure I slept. But when I checked, I figured more than 8 hours had elapsed. Last night felt like my life got cut and spliced together, with no memory inbetween. Yeah, it was an "could-aliens-have-abducted-me" sort of moment.

On the other hand, the slowing down of time. Artist Douglas Gordon slowed down Alfred Hitchcock's movie Psycho to screen it over 24 hours. Gordon employs memorable material, distracting the viewer with its slowness, deflecting one on to other thoughts - where and when did I see these pictures? Who with? I wondered about the slowed-down shower murder scene. I wondered if they played the movie at normal speed in another room, so visitors could wander over and know the whole story, then return to the slowed-down version, feeling a sense of deja vu. And I wondered why Psycho instead of so many other famous movies.


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