Random thoughts Stray memories

Thursday, June 13, 2002

When it comes to compatibility, I believe there are three vital questions a girl can ask to save herself a lot of trouble later on. The first is, what's your favourite painting? The second, if you could hijack a plane and fly anywhere in the world, where would you go this afternoon? The third (and possibly the clincher), if you knew that you wouldn't get caught, how would you dispose of your least favourite ex?
- extract from Chris Manby's short story Art Lover

In this story, the protagonist's favourite painting is one painted by Roy De Forest in 1972 called "Country Dog Gentlemen". Why? Cos she thought: But the best part is the blue-nosed, red-eyed collie to the right of the picture. He was disqualified from those sheepdog Olympics, "One Man and His Dog", for taking performance enhancing drugs. It's terrifying, compelling and completely incomprehensible. The man who tells me he loves "Country Dog Gentlemen" can have my virginity on the spot...

So I have no choice but to track the painting down.


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