Random thoughts Stray memories

Saturday, June 22, 2002

Went to Dave's place to watch the Germany vs USA match (quite a letdown really). Afterwards, we got to watch the movie Reservoir Dogs. I remembered reading the entire script off the internet one lunch break a couple of years back, but the only fragments I could recall upon watching the movie was the discussion on Madonna's song Like a Virgin. We had a minor disagreement about whether we wanted subtitles or not, cos logically we didn't need them since the dialogue and the subtitles were both in English, but it was hard going catching everything without them. Well M and I voted for subtitles, my best friend voted against, Dave's seen the movie before, and the rest weren't bothered... so the subtitles stayed. :) And I magpied some more issues of New Yorker from Dave! Happy happy joy joy!


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