Random thoughts Stray memories

Thursday, May 23, 2002

Attending 3TapRiff's wedding dinner was like having flashbacks in Days of Our Lives. Besides the regular cohorts, I bumped into so many familiar faces I've lost contact with. The wedding music selection was groovy jazz, and it's the first time I've ever attended a wedding dinner where the first dish was presented to the tune of Sarah McLachlan's Your Love is Better than Ice-cream. Wish I could have seen 3TapRiff tapdancing to the Star Wars theme during the sabo session at the bride's place this morning though!

I've been to wedding dinners where I was practically dying to be just anywhere but there, but this wedding dinner was so fun I wish it could take place again. So Mr and Mrs 3TapRiff, please consider organising wedding anniversary dinners for us to attend! :)


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