Random thoughts Stray memories

Thursday, November 08, 2001

Another gem of info from WhatIs.com.

"The Wayback Machine is a Web site that enables anyone to see what a particular Web site looked like at some time in the past - from 1996 to the present. This enormous archive of the Web's past requires over 100 terabytes of storage and contains 10 billion Web pages! The archive of pages was originally gathered by the owners of the Alexa program, a toolbar you can install on your PC that provides Web site information and ratings.

At the Wayback Machine site, you can search for and link to any of your favorite Web sites of the past and find them preserved very much as they were at various "snapshots" in time."

Out of curiosity, I searched for my own blog and the Wayback Machine actually has a snapshot of my blog from June 10 this year. omg.

Like this blog is a memory aid for me, the Wayback Machine is a memory aid for a generation. Incredible.


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