Random thoughts Stray memories

Thursday, October 18, 2001

I was blowing off steam by swearing in an email to my best friend. I was being unusually vehement, and he replied 'another 10 f**ks, i give you a call'. So I answered with an email going 'F**K F**K F**K F**K F**K F**K F**K F**K F**K'. I only typed 9 so I could test if he counted them at all or just called me right away.

He counted. My best friend in this universe emailed back '1 more to go! pls f**k sparingly...'. See how methodical he is? lol.

Hmm. I don't know why I bleeped out the swear bits with *. Limabean is a bad influence when it comes to swearing. It feels so natural to swear with him around.


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