Random thoughts Stray memories

Friday, July 06, 2001

I woke up disoriented at 4+ am and decided to log on. Received your email with the subject title u need a bon voyage. You wrote that 3 typhoons threatened Hong Kong in the last 13 days. I wasn't aware actually, thanks for telling me. Before last night, I was so busy with work I didn't know anything about the weather there. Can planes land during typhoons? It seems too calm here to think about it. Were you ever in one?

You asked if I watched Memento.. well I did, I blogged about it in Chronoscape. :) Yes, I'm afraid you need to read another site to catch up on me too.

You said my best friend commented excellently on blogging like virus spreading like a plague or a nuclear chain reaction beyond the threshold. I got stumped cos I don't think those were his words. So I opened another browser window to read his .plan again and confirmed... those were your words. You mentioned again about being tempted to blog and made me smile when you interjected that with your thought on how the right lobe and limpic brain intuit feelings, and how emotion can ever be captured by the linguistic left brain. Somehow, I expected that scientific twist from you. lol. So I'll say it again.. the way you write, you should blog. Really. Much much worse writers than you have blogged, we need to tip the scale back. :)

Perversely, I decided to reply your email here to demonstrate the power of the word YOU. There have been a few YOUs in this blog and now YOU're one of them. If you wondered about the YOU in the airport, someone will be wondering about the YOU in this post. Do YOU see now? :) Just this once to experiment, a public email. After all, I started blogging to sorta replace emailing. Thank YOU. For reading all this while. And yes, I figured YOU have Music for Airports.


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