Random thoughts Stray memories

Friday, May 11, 2001

I just got home from supper with 2 girlfriends. Somehow we ended up talking about strange eating habits conferred on us by men. One friend ate 2 years of plain yong tau foo for protein-building because of a guy. Another friend developed a craving for cakes (which she didn't use to eat) cos she kept picking at the cakes her guy friends were eating. And I thought of you. I abstained from eating beef for 2 years because of your religious belief. Even when you weren't around, I didn't eat beef so you wouldn't feel bad. Isn't it funny? I don't expect you to ever stumble onto this blog but you know, you're absolutely the last person whom I will bend my will for. I won't do it ever again. :) I hope life is going well for you.


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