Random thoughts Stray memories

Thursday, May 10, 2001

I subscribe to the Word-of-the-Day mailing list at WhatIs.com. Today they sent me an explanation about Bayesian logic. Named for an English clergyman and mathematician called Thomas Bayes, this theorem basically means the use of prior events to predict future events.

I quote: "To demonstrate an application of Bayes' Theorem, suppose that we have a covered basket that contains three balls, each of which may be green or red. In a blind test, we reach in and pull out a red ball. We return the ball to the basket and try again, again pulling out a red ball. Once more, we return the ball to the basket and pull a ball out - red again. We form a hypothesis that all the balls are all, in fact, red. Bayes' Theorem can be used to calculate the probability (p) that all the balls are red (an event labeled as "A") given (symbolized as "|") that all the selections have been red (an event labeled as "B")

p(A|B) = p{A + B}/p{B}

I don't know why but reading this made me smile.


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