Random thoughts Stray memories

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Friends have been dreaming lately. M dreamt of running against another pregnant woman to rush for a tiny elevator. Another girlfriend dreamt that Tom Cruise wrote a conciliatory letter to Nicole Kidman (why?). I'm dreamless. Or maybe I've not slept enough to hit REM (Rapid Eye Movement) state.

I've been thinking though about a reverse state of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. If you can erase a loved one's memories from your mind, surely you can insert them artificially? So what if the two of you have never gotten together though you've secretly fantasized about it? You can implant fake memories! The only problem is this will interfere with your real life and give you false expectations, cos only you will have these memories.

And if you've never gone through them, are the memories really worthwhile?


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