Random thoughts Stray memories

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Today at work I laid my head on the conference room table in defeat and wondered why I'm still doing what I do. And went on doing it anyway.

Today I had an impromptu lunch with my UK travelmate, and she turned up in a blouse I nearly wore this morning (we owned identical pieces). I was almost wistful that I didn't, cos though it would have been awkward, we would have had something to giggle over wouldn't we?

Today I'm still listening to Damien Rice's debut album O, and in love with a track entitled Volcano. Dave Gahan's Paper Monsters is next on my playlist, but I think I still prefer him singing with Depeche Mode.

Today a friend and I were supposed to watch the music documentary for 1 Giant Leap but he got bogged down by work (as usual). So da mouse, this is what you missed:
a music critic who sat in front of me and slept throughout the screening, even snoring at one point.
a documentary which wasn't joint, but DVD segments. Random snippets are:
- Little curious children pushing their laughing faces into the camera.
- One of the filmmakers keep trying to slow down the drum playing by the Indian musicians, cos the beats are wonderful but way too fast for them to cope with.
- Another filmmaker getting a huge Maori tattoo.
- The ironic jokes by a puppet in the guise of Gandhi, proclaiming that he's wearing the loincloth of a very famous Indian called Ben Kingsley.
- Kurt Vonnegut saying how writers probably wish they were musicians instead, cos when they're performing they can tell instinctively how right it feels. Instant gratification.

Today I came home to find mum watching The Bachelorette on tv, which was unusual since there were no subtitles and mum couldn't understand English. I asked her why she's watching it, and typically she didn't answer me but asked instead, why all these good looking people need to go on tv to find true love.

Today I read a blog and stumbled upon a website for Things Found and fell in love.

Today an online friend sent me a song, and casually remarked "i find u strange, but in a good way".

Today I blogged.


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