Random thoughts Stray memories

Friday, November 08, 2002

I woke up to blog at 2+am cos my ISP experienced outage earlier on in the night. omg, I have no life. What happened yesterday. Went to my customer's (to quote M quoting Mac's: today going again you know?). Read Streats and found feature on local blogs. Went to the gym and did another 5km on the treadmill (yes I know I shouldn't but my knee doesn't hurt now, how ironic). Bought another ring (black with white cameo of girl's head.. not really kitschy) to add to my stockpile. Decided to change my handphone cover finally from the Ah Lian transparent cover which everyone grimaced at, back to the normal silver one (I changed it not cos I didn't like it but cos I wore out the number pad and had to deduce the keys). And yeah, that's basically it and I should sleep... after reading some blogs.


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