Random thoughts Stray memories

Tuesday, July 10, 2001

There was no typhoon when I got here. In fact, it's clear skies and I didn't even need to shelter from rain. My colleague said we brought the good weather with us. So it's not just the mobile bookfair heh? :) I read in a local magazine that some pubs here have parties when typhoons strike, and if the typhoon reaches no. 10, all drinks will be on the house. Having fun in the midst of disaster, that sounds wonderful.

Received a couple of phone calls from friends on the weekend I got here... it's like I never left home. I missed the 1 year anniversary of my favourite pool joint but my best friend was there. Located an obscure music store my table tennis guru recommended me and wondered if such an establishment can survive in Singapore. Don't think so. Am glad to have brought my electronic gadgets along this trip (cell phone, Palm V, digital camera and Discman) cept I drained my Palm V accidentally by piling luggage on top of it. Luckily I managed to charge it in my HK office. I'm now blogging this in my HK office while my colleagues are busy preparing for a forum all around me. I think I should go help out now. I couldn't resist logging in to read blogs, to find out how my friends were doing.

Heading home late tomorrow night. Will miss this place. :)


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