Random thoughts Stray memories

Thursday, April 19, 2001

Looks like thunderstorm now and I'm debating about attending the Palm m505 launch this evening. Somehow I know I'll turn up anyway. I'm such a susceptible geek.

Rain stopped. Back from the Palm m505 launch.
*techie mode on*
Fantastic stuff (Secure Digital/ MultimediaCard expansion slot, moving videos of up to 30 seconds etc) and the American presenters were really funny. However they've changed the Universal Connector (again!) so that means a new Palm cradle. And they've changed the stylus too so yeah, the Palm accessory cases are doomed for a makeover as well. Official launch will be round end May and the market price will be about S$800+.
*techie mode off*

And you thought I could only rave about strange music and literature.


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